Saturday, September 18, 2004

Amazon lookup in your local library

I'm cross-posting this from my other blog, because it really is too good to hide. How does Alec Couros keep coming up with this great stuff? He has found a bookmarklet (a link you can drag to your browser's menu bar) that will allow you to find out whether the U of S or U of R libraries have an Amazon book on hand. Actually, he's careful to attribute the java script to Dan's Blog and 43 Folders.

Here's how it works. You drop the bookmarklet onto your menu bar (you can grab it from the link below). Then you go to Amazon, Chapters or other major online bookstore and find a book you're interested in. While you have the book's information page on your screen, click on the bookmarklet. It draws the local library location information from the card catalog for you and displays it.


Alec also includes information about how to find your local library information to adapt the java script to your location.

Check it out at:


Blogger The Geisslers said...

Honestly, I was just thinking about this the other day -- that I often see a book on Amazon then have to launch another browser, go to my library site, launch the catalog and paste in the title from Amazon. Wouldn't it be great just to click a button and launch my local catalog?

September 21, 2004 at 8:46 AM  

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