Case History 5 Panadol instructions
case history 5 Panadol instructions -- Not exactly instructional design, but a fascinating article on the redesign of over-the-counter medicine packaging to aid in its proper use.
This is a rallying point for instructional designers--a place where we can swap ideas, resources, stories and most anything else of interest. It isn't a chat room, but a gathering place for things important to you as a practicing designer and a place to comment on them.
Colin, this is an excellent case. I think I'll use it in my advanced ID course. I try not to distinguish too rigorously between information design issues and instructional design issues--although they certainly can be different. In instructional design, we do so much information design, don't we. And it is so darned interesting! Besides, I'm finding that there are career opportunities for instructional designers outside the traditional boundaries of "instruction".
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